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@pandako, @community, I have a really elementary question, I am really new to the world of tilemaps, so kindly excuse my ignorance. Can I give different names to tiles that together form a terrain object and expect the same kind of collision handling?

Although a tilemap collision mask object has been implemented in GDevelop 5.0.139, your extension works way better for me. I was having an issue with lateral collisions where sometimes the player slides one pixel inside the GDevelop collision mask object, although it never happened when colliding with platform sprites. The gameplay felt unpolished because of that. With your extension, my problem was solved because it allows me to use a sprite with platform behaviour as a hitbox, so the collision issues are gone. 

You did a great job developing this extension! It made everything easier for me to make my game. 

Hey Pandako, I believe you will have to update. According to my tests here in the next version, this extension stops working.

Even if I change it to (0,1,2,3,4...) nothing works.

And when adding BEHAVIOR, those numbers that are there appear.



I still can't get the next version (v5.0.141?). I will check the behavior as soon as the next version is released.

Thank you for telling me.

It's just that I do tests of Builds that will be released and so I look for bugs and other things, and when I saw this bug I decided to let you know.. However. If you are going to modify the code, would it be possible for you to add a way to generate the objects through the layer name (the tiled) instead of the Number?

I too wish I could use layer names.
However, using layer names is problematic in several ways.

  1. Names can be duplicated.
  2. Names can be empty.
  3. There must be separate input fields for the layer number and the layer name.

At the moment I do not have a good idea to solve these problems. 😥

Hey PANDAKO, I made an extension using parts of your extension. It turned out really good. If you are interested in testing and contact me on Discord. willianholtz#6880

I also couldn't get it working properly on the latest version of GDevelop -  this extension would be an absolute lifesaver if I could get it running!

I have confirmed that this extension works correctly with GDevelop 5.0.140. Did it work correctly in previous versions?
I need more information on this.

(1 edit)

I haven't tried it before no, but I followed your guide as closely as I could and still couldn't make it work. My character fell through even though I made sure to run the event at the beginning to autofill the tilemap, I made sure that behavior was applied, had my Collision tiles marked and gave the objects the platform behavior. I could try it again but I sincerely don't know where I went wrong if there was a mistake on my part somewhere


Here are the notes I can think of right now

Note that this extension differs from the "Tilemap Collision Mask" added in GDevelop 5.0.139 in the way "Tiled" is set.

The "Tile Layer Formats" of the tilemap file must be CSV.

Is the "Layer Index" value you set for the behavior correct?

Does the GDevelop debugger show any warnings or errors?

- yes, I checked and it's just the usual Tilemap, not a collision mask

- I double checked, it should be CSV

- I'm not 100% sure about that? should it be on layer 0?

- I got a "Not yet ready to generate a collision!" error in the debugger, not sure what that means

"Not yet ready to generate a collision!"

This message will appear if you run the "GenerateCollision" action before the parsing and merging process is complete.

Try using the "isReady" condition as shown in the image in the documentation.

Hello, I tested this extension today and it was working 100%, however, now it doesn't work anymore, I have no idea why! It just stopped creating collisions!

gDevelop  5.0.129



Thanks for letting me know.

If I see it working with 5.0.129, I'll let you know here.

I believe it has something to do with Tiled's json. In my version (Linux) it has two types of json, version 1.1 and the current one. I was using 1.1, before gdevelop updated and only today I noticed that Tiled's .json version had also changed! So I deleted all cached folders and everything else from the two apps, and it works again!

Is there any possibility to use more than one layer to create collisions? As well as Tiled objects?

I have verified that this extension works correctly with GDevelop 5.0.130.

The version of Tiled I was using was 1.7.2. I have upgraded Tiled and verified that it works correctly with 1.8.2.

Unfortunately, I have no plans to add the ability to generate collisions from multiple layers at this time.

However, if many users request it, we will consider it. Please post here if you would like to have this feature.

Deleted 1 year ago